Title: (Technology) Tools for Making Use/Sense of Your Urban Forest Inventory(Technology) Tools for Making Use/Sense of Your Urban Forest Inventory
Where: Leveraging Your Urban Forest Inventory in Local Government Workshop, Walnut Creek, CA
When: February 2015
Summary: Once a city has paid for and conducted an urban forest inventory, the next step isn't always clear. How do you make sense of all the data? In this presentation, we talked about technology tools to help you:
- Make sense of the data for yourself as an urban forest manager
- Understanding the data in the aggregate
- Visualizing it geographically
- Planning for the future
- Make sense of it for your constituents (public, politicians, policy makers)
- Share the data
- Translate it into more understandable terms
- Justify funding/grant requests
Technology Tools for Making Sense of Your Inventory