Title: (Technology) Tools for Making Use/Sense of Your Urban Forest Inventory(Technology) Tools for Making Use/Sense of Your Urban Forest InventoryWhere: Leveraging Your Urban Forest Inventory in Local Government Workshop, Walnut Creek, CAWhen: February 2015Summary: Once a city has paid for and conducted an urban
Interview: Tree Inventory of the Future
In March 2015, Kelaine sat down with DeepRoot’s Leda Marritz to talk about OpenTreeMap, the Tree Inventory of the Future.OpenTreeMaps are collaborative, crowd-sourced projects where citizens help inventory urban trees, learn about the environmental benefits trees provide and explore nature
Video: Writing a Great Grant Application
In August 2015, Kelaine was invited to participate in California ReLeaf’s Network Leadership Workshop with a presentation on “Writing a Great Urban Forestry Grant Application.”
Audio: Calculating GHG Benefits of Trees
In October 2014, Urban Ecos partnered with the CA Urban Forests Council and CA ReLeaf to present a webinar on how to estimate the GHG benefits of trees, with a focus on applying for grants from the California Dept of